Senior Leadership


Rabbi Dr. Itzhak Shapira

Shaliach Tzibur Global

Tzahi (Itzhak) Shapira was born and raised in a traditional Sephardic Jewish home in Israel.


Rabbi Dr. Steven A. Bernstein

Head of Department of Theology & Vice President of Shuvu College

Rabbi Bernstein is the Rabbi at Aydat HaDerekh Messianic Synagogue in Fort Myers, FL.


Pastor Matt McKeown

Pastoral Supervision & Shaliach Tzibur Africa

Pastor Matt McKeown is the Senior Pastor at the UBIC in Holly Hill, FL. 


Dr. Douglas A. Wheeler

President of Shuvu College

Dr. Wheeler has an earned Ph.D. from California Graduate School of Theology and an earned Th.D. from Florida Theological Seminary.


Eldad Keynan

Senior Instructor of Jewish History & Hebrew

Eldad Keynan was born in Israel and has a M.A. on Jewish History from Haifa University. 


Heather Tsitsi Masiyiwa

President of Shuvu Africa

Tsitsi Masiyiwa is a philanthropist and social entrepreneur devoted to empowering young people in Africa.


Rabbi Emmanuel Rodriguez-Perez

President of Shuvu French

Emmanuel serves as Rabbi of Messianic Synagogue El-Bethel in Paris, France.


Moreh Shalom Hazan

President of Shuvu Russian

Shalom Hazan serves as the head of Kehilat Derec and Emet in Ashdod, Israel.


Rabbi David Weiss

Senior Rabbi & Leadership Advisor

David serves as a Rabbi of Malchut Chayim Messianic Congregation in Chesapeake, VA.


Morah Juanita Weiss

Shlichat Tzibur Africa

Pastor Juanita has an ordination as Morah Torah (Teacher of Torah) from Yeshivat Shuvu. 

Leaders by Country


Moreh Daniel Rodrigo

Shuvu Sri Lanka

Daniel and his family have been instrumental in building the first Messianic Jewish Synagogue in Sri Lanka.


Daniel S.

Shuvu Singapore & Malaysia

Daniel is a founder and pastor at Kehilat Etz Chayim. He has been a Talmid of Yeshivat Shuvu since 2015.


Moreh Andre Widodo

Shuvu Indonesia

Andre has been studying in Yeshivat Shuvu since the yeshiva opened in 2015.


Pastor Joseph John

Shuvu India

Pastor Joseph is the President of Kehilat Bethlechem in Hyderabad, India.


Benyamin Obadyah

Shuvu Indonesia

Benyamin is the Pastor of Beit El & Shoresh Messianic Fellowship congregations in Jakarta.


Ralf Matuzelski

Shuvu Australia

Ralf is the lead elder at Derech HaMashiach on the Gold Coast, Australia. 


Giborah McDonald

Shuvu United Kingdom

Giborah McDonald with her husband Ian is a Founder and Leader of AlephOmega Ministries.


Ruben van der Slik

Shuvu Nederlands

Ruben is the congregational leader of Ahavat Olam in the Netherlands. 


Hans & Tamar Hartmann

Shuvu German

Hans and Tamar are founders and leaders of Har Tikkun in Switzerland. 


Marco & Luana Rodrigues

Shuvu Portuguese

Marco, B'nei Anusim, and Luana, a Portuguese descendant, are leaders of Beit Shuvu Portugal.



Jaxon Edwards

Administrative Assistant & Publishing Manager

Jaxon works as an administrative assistant and manages the creation and publishing of resources.


Jeff Blumenthal

Head of Software Development

Jeff is a Software Architect with 30+ years of experience in IT architecture and software development.



Michelle Kim

Korean Chief Translator

Michelle graduated from Yeshivat Shuvu in 2021 and has translated several publications to the Korean language. 


Inge Vukic

German Chief Translator

Inge is a talmida at Yeshivat Shuvu and has translated several publications to the German language.